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EraMegaten Title.jpg


Genre: Dungeon Crawler/Trainer
Developer(s): ???
Current Version: 309.138
Translation Status: Active
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Japanese Wiki link



It is recommended to play as Devil Summoner if you haven't played any SMT/Persona game beforehand. It has a tutorial (available only during the 1st day, accessible with "Search") which explains the basis of battles and COMP.
Before proceeding to the second floor, make sure to TALK to any demon you encounter and recruit it, then summon it to your party with COMP > Summon. Repeat until you have a full party (put your character in the back row, instant game over if he/she dies).


You can progress in eraMegaten by:

Explore dungeons, recruit demons, and defeat bosses.
Enter Colosseum
Compete in the arena to win money, macca, and new characters.
Request Contract
Do quests, may also unlock events and dungeons.
Unlock more stuff.

Do any of these when you're stuck. Time does not elapse during contracts/events (unless prompted).


Training demons is very important, since it has two benefits:

  • You can transfer MAG to them, which is spent to make them stronger
  • Their abilities will increase, which in turn allows you to do more lewd stuff to them (most abilities also influence work performance and sell value)
  • Do NOT raise their Hate Mark level: it makes training harder. If you really have to, make sure you have enough SURREN orbs to bring it back to zero.
  • You can also toggle MAG transfer/absorption ON/OFF, allowing you to give/take MAG to/from demons during training. MAG is more suited for demons, since they have more power-up options.
  • A demon can also work and earn Macca when his/her Sale Conditions are met.
  • Don't forget to store your unused demons at Party Setup > Store demon. They can be used as fusion fodder, anyway.



  • Used to buy equipment, training tools/drugs, create demons at Jakyou Manor, build facilities, pay the organization
  • Acquired by defeating dungeon bosses, fighting at the colosseum, completing contracts, exchange for Macca


  • Used at Macca Exchange to buy COMP software and expand your COMP slots, craft random rare items with Item Synthesis
  • Acquired by selling demons, putting your demons to work, fighting at the colosseum

Gameplay Tips[edit]

If you need a good grinding spot, unlock Tartarus by completing Echo Building or Hatsudai Shelter, or level up your protag to 10. It has low and high-level enemies as well, and you can take the elevator every 5 floors. It's accessible only at nighttime though. Alternatively, the colosseum dungeon has a high encounter rate and enemies always appear in groups of 10.

The main objective is to get any ending before day 50. You can still keep playing, but some route/endings are locked out after. You can start a NG+ anytime from day 51, although it is recommended to get at least one ending first, since you gain more NG+ bonuses based on how many non-bad endings you got (Restaurant/Brothel endings are recommended, since you can get those anytime and have no additional requirements, just keep working).

Other commands[edit]


  • Changes a character's current outfit.
  • Most of them are cosmetics, but some make training easier.
  • List of Clothing - Megaten Wardrobe

Enhance demon:

  • Increase their stats
  • Learn new skills from acquired skill cards
  • Power up their skills, giving them better range or more damage
  • Increase range of normal attack (up to 1 line/all enemies) and its attribute (SLASH/GUN/STRIKE/SKILL)
  • Buff an elemental weakness (only one at a time, another can be added if they are Contracted)
  • Increase stamina/energy for longer training sessions


  • Pay money to the organization. Unlocks more stuff in the Junk Shop, sometimes even dungeons.
  • To get any good end, you need to donate at least 1.000.000 yen. It's way easier than it looks.

Junk Shop

  • Buy weapons, armors, accessories and combat/healing items.

Cathedral of Shadows

  • Fuse demons: Create a new type of demon, with some skills (or even abilities) inherited
  • In-depth fusion guide: (old), (updated)
  • Skill card creation: Extract a skill from a demon. You get a skill card in return, that can be used on any demon to make them learn that skill (if element compatibility to said skill is low, more MAG is needed for acquisition/upgrade)
  • Demon Compendium: Summon any kind of analyzed demon by spending yen, cost is reduced to ~10% if fully analyzed


  • Sell demons for Macca
  • Let your demons sing at concerts (available during the night only)
  • Let your demons work at a restaurant/brothel
  • Build your own foodcart/hotel to increase work payoff (can be upgraded later to restaurant/brothel)


For formulas about how attributes are affected by these parameters, refer to eraMegaten/Parameters.
ST - Increases Physical damage from weapon and skills. It also slightly increases HP.
IN - Affects accuracy of magic attacks, inflicting status effects (includes instant kills), increases resistance to magic attacks, healing effectiveness, and negotiation success. It also slightly increases maximum MP, magic damage, gun accuracy, and gun damage.
MA - Increases magic damage and maximum MP.
EN - Greatly increases maximum HP and defense. It also slightly increases physical damage.
AG - Greatly increases speed, evasion, physical accuracy. It also slightly increases gun damage and gun accuracy.
LU - Greatly increases critical hit rate. It also slightly increases all types of evasion and status effect infliction (includes instant kills).

  • Note: firearms damage (GUN attack, BULLETS, DOUBLE・TAP) is based on IN/AG, while GUN skills (Sharpnel, 99 Needles, and so on) are based on ST.
  • The GUN damage formulas for Humans are:

With Gunslinger Talent
Gun Damage: LV + Ag/2 + In/2
Gun Accuracy: LV + Ag + In + Lu
Without Gunslinger
Gun Damage: LV/2 + Ag/4 + In/4
Gun Accuracy: LV + Ag/2 + In/2 + Lu/2

Earned by defeating demons. Used to Enhance Demons in various ways. Also needed to keep your demons alive, since they consume it during exploration and they'll start losing HP/MP for every step taken when their MAG is 0. By default, this won't happen since the protag spends his own MAG to upkeep the demons.
Earned by winning battles/recruiting demons, or more slowly by training. Can be spent to inherit sexual abilities after fusion, or to make skill cards from demons without sacrificing them.


  • Physical (Dealt mainly by weapons, until getting skills to do so)

Slash - It's decent against almost everything, but it's strong against undead(zombies).
Pierce/Gun - Good against flying/winged demons, but many enemies reflect or nullify it.
Strike/Impact - Good against small and fragile enemies.
Skill/Havoc - "Bodypart" attacks. Its damage output isn't too high, but late skills can inflict status reliably.
None of above handle non-material(Spirit) enemies very well.

  • Magical (Dealt mainly by skills, but some are used by specific weapons and items)

Fire - Good against Ice/Water demons and all undead.
Ice - Good against Water demons. Can inflict freeze.
Electricity - Similar to ice, but decent against some fliers as well. Can inflict shock.
Force - Good against enemies weak to magic.
Nerve - Doesn't work on undead. Emphasis on inflicting status effects.
Mind - Doesn't work on mindless and undead. Emphasis on inflicting status effects.
Both Nerve and Mind are kind of useless at endgame enemies. As both focus on inflicting aliments.
Light - Doesn't work on humans, light gods and angels.
Dark - Doesn't work on undead, dark gods and fallen angels.
Earth - Doesn't work on flying demons and Water gods.
Water - Strong against living fires/plasma and Fire gods.
Wind - Good against light enemies and Earth gods.
Gravity - Good against flying/levitating, but anything with big muscles won't be fazed too much.
Nuclear - Similar to fire, but stronger. If something is immune to fire, then nuclear probably wouldn't work either.
Almighty - Good against everything, almost nothing resists it. All spells have high MP cost though.


Poison — Loses 1/16 Max HP per battle turn.
Paralyze — Loses 1/16 Max MP per battle turn and can't act
Bind — Can't act
Bomb — If attacked bomb will explode. Heavy damage.
Panic — Attacks/Uses skills/items like complete retard and drops money.
Charm — Attack allies
Stone — Can't act, will shatter if hit by force, wind or physical.
Shocked — Target lose one turn by electricity attack. Ice deals double damage, and physical always crits. Lasts 1 turn.
Frozen — Target lose one turn by ice attack. Lasts 1 turn.
Dying — KO or instant kill {Hama, Mudo and few others.}
Close — Can't use spells.
Happy — All actions have 50% fail rate.
Brand — HP healing from all sources is reduced to 1.
Flame - Loses 1/10 Max HP per battle turn. Wind and nuclear element attacks make double damage.
Slip - Can't act. Gravity and physical attacks make double damage. Recovery takes 1-2 turns.
Curse - Returns half of damage dealt to cursed character. Instant kill moves are more effective. Doesn't recover naturally.
Fly - Turned into fly. Damage dealt is reduced to 0.2 of normal and damage taken is amplified to 2.5 of normal.


Full list of classes and description EraMegaten/Classes

Skill List[edit]

A full list of skills, what they do, and who has them EraMegaten/Skills

Demon List[edit]

A full list of the demons in the compendium with their information, location and fusion details EraMegaten/Demon_List

Endings and NG+[edit]

Carry over in NG+:

  • Contracted demons (complete the Solomon Wedding Ring event, then spend 1 million Yen for each demon you want to Contract)
  • Retain every power-up made with Enhance Demon (excluding stat enchantment)
  • Sexual/work abilities of protag and contracted demons
  • Skill cards, some equipment (but have only one quantity for each item)
  • Most COMP software (everything costing 1000 Macca and less, excluding GulliverMagic)
  • Special items (Forbidden knowledge, Third eye)
  • Demon Compendium information
  • Special class feat (example: Avatar Tuners keep their mastered mantras. Note that these are retained even if you change classes: for instance, if you play as an Avatar Tuner, master a bunch of mantras, play as a Persona User in NG+, and then NG+ again as an Avatar Tuner, you'll still keep all the mantras you mastered in your previous Avatar Tuner playthrough(s))
  • You gain initial stat points allocation and extra COMP slots depending on the number of non-bad endings you got

Does NOT carry over in NG+:

  • Non-contracted demons
  • Personas
  • Protag and contracted demons start at lv5 and default stats
  • Yen and Macca (only a portion are carried over)
  • Training tools
  • Bought COMP expansions and most expensive COMP software
  • Contracted demons gain way less macca when working

Complete List of Endings: Megaten Ending List

Basic Fusion Guide[edit]

Basic fusion guide.png

"I want a big tiddy Vouivre snake waifu on day 1! Give me a tutorial walkthrough/demonstration!"

First of all, grab the first of the three Touhou converter mods from doing the first Touhou request (there's a battle, but all of the newgame freebie units make it very doable). If you already have it, it should be near the bottom of the screen when fusing. Touhous are not reliable as fusion results, but they (usually) ARE reliable as fusion ingredients, although many of them have annoyingly ambiguous race names. Second, you need to know the base level, race, and gender of the demon you want. According to the Demon List page, Vouivre is a Snake of base level 23. You probably already know it's a female, but if you didn't, you'd have to also take Vouivre's ID (701) and search it on the The JP Wiki since our wiki's page has IDs listed but not genders, which is important.

The fusion chain you need to make will be determined by the raw fusion materials you have available, which varies by dungeon, so let's go to Harajuku since it's low level, has a terminal for saving, and has a good variety of raw fusion material. It has the following female monsters: Nightmare (Yoma 1), Pixie (Fairy 3), Harpy (Flight 4), Ratatosk (Beast 5), Hua Po (Brute 7), and Yukinko (Brute 7). Let's write a couple basic, easy-to get fusions from this list to expand our race "coverage" a little bit. We might not necessarily use them, but it might help in solving the puzzle, since Vouivre's level is so much higher than the raw materials we have to work with.

Nightmare is a level 1 female Yoma, and Harpy is a level 4 female Flight. A Yoma and a Flight make a Foul. If we add 4 to their base levels, and then average them, we get ((1+4)+(4+4))/2 = 6.5, so our result ends up being Nasu, a level 6 female Foul, a race we otherwise don't have access to.

Ratatosk is a level 5 female Beast, and Yukinko is a level 7 female Brute. A Beast and a Brute make a Tyrant. If we add 4 to their base levels, and then average them, we get ((5+4)+(7+4))/2 = 10, so our result should be a female level 10 Tyrant.

At least, that's what should happen in theory. In practice, we get a crazy level 27 Aeshma, because she is the lowest level female Tyrant. Being able to make such a high level fusion with such low level fusion ingredients is VERY helpful, but for right now, let's turn on the first Touhou converter mod and instead make Lily Black, who is "merely" a level 17 female Tyrant. Looking at the chart, we know that if we have a Tyrant, we can make a Snake by combining the Tyrant with either a Fairy or a Divine. We already know Lily Black's level and race, so we just need to do some basic algebra to find the level we need for the 2nd ingredient, and then figure out how to acquire that 2nd ingredient by essentially restarting this whole process.

... Nah, just fucking with you. That IS an option, but let's do something that requires significantly less brainpower. Instead, let's combine Lily Black (Tyrant 17) with a normal Pixie (Fairy 3) to produce a Kiyohime (Snake 17) so we've at least got a monster of the right end-result race (Snake as a race is also pretty unpopulated at lower levels, just like Tyrants). Elementals don't average their levels with their partner when fusing. Instead, the fusion result will be the same race/gender as the elemental's partner, but up or down one level "tier". And as it so happens, Kiyohime is the female Snake that's one tier below Vouivre. According to the infographic above, Snakes need to fuse with an Undine to go up one tier. Thankfully, Harajuku has two brutes; Yukinko and Hua Po, so getting one is very quick and easy.

And with that, we have our big tiddy snake waifu.


Touhou Fusion Chart[edit]

Touhou Fusion Chart

Frequently Asked Questions[edit]

What's Macca and how do I get it?[edit]

Macca is a recurring currency across mainline Megami Tensei games. In EraMegaten, it's used in Macca Exchange to upgrade your COMP, buy items or buy software for your COMP. Macca can be gained from workers in your Restaurant/Hotel, selling slaves, Deleting Characters in the Dark way, or through a Yen to Macca exchanger in the Red Light District at night. For first COMP capacity upgrades you can make enough macca in "In search of Unknown" event after 10 days which gives you 300 macca. Also you can get 200 macca in chests from the Colosseum dungeon.

How do I get more demons?[edit]

Simple. Convince them. Some demons can't talk but can be gotten through scanning them to 10% and summoning them at the Cathedral of Shadows. Higher % means less money spent to summon them.

The demon names and resistances are still ??? even after fighting them a bunch of times.[edit]

Your party must have someone with the talent of at least [SummonerLv], otherwise, no one can use the COMP to look at demons. If you do not have a Devil Summoner-class character, [61] Harajuku offers one between two characters. The request Karukozaka High School Gym (2) offers another Devil Summoner. It will usually take about 10% analysis to see their resistances or if you already landed a Devil CO-OP on them.

Is there a faster way to increase analysis?[edit]

With a Devil Summoner in the party: You can head into [114] - Macca Exchange , go to [3] Software Exchange . The Hi-DAS Software is available for 150 Macca. Once you do so, make sure to equip it from [106] - Party Setup and [5] Setup Software . Once you do and in battle, your Devil Summoner can use [3] COMP and Hi-DAS to scan a demon. The success rate scales off the user's In stat, and the analysis rate rises depending on the Summoner's level and whether it was Partial, Normal, or Critical on their analysis.

How to get into battle, where can I raise my level faster?[edit]

First go into [106] - Party Setup and put your companions in party. Pixie is fragile and it's better to put her in the backrow. Then go into [1] Echo Building and get Hua Po and few other companions. When you feel yourself strong enough (15 level and higher depends on difficulty) you can go into [72] Yukiko's Castle . "Agi" spell are great to make a lot of damage there and "Fire wall" make protect all party from ice creatures. Both of those spells Hua Po demon have.

Is there a way to give the MC any of the Devil Summoner Talents?[edit]

Item Knowledge Lv3 can be obtained from Dungeon [42] Shinjuku regardless of who you side with. If Item Knowledge Lv3 has already been acquired, the Item Mastery Talent may be obtained instead. Summoner LV1 can ONLY be obtained by siding with Naoya in Dungeon [42] Shinjuku. The only way for the MC to obtain the [Gunslinger] Talent is to either start as a Devil Summoner, Avatar Tuner, or choose the Talent/Class when creating an Adept and Expert. [Gunslinger], alongside SummonerLv5 are typically balance options that allow Human characters to perform a role that other characters will have a hard time replicating with their skills and magic.

How about giving Talents to another character?[edit]

Typically this is only reserved for [Non-Combatant] characters, and they must have reached a Fall State. You must [100] Train them, and under Special, do [600] Basic Training until they have 100 Basic Training EXP from it. After that, here are the options, as you will only have 1 chance to choose their class and role.

  • From Home: Devil Summoner (Try Summoning Demons)
  • Mechanical Maiden (Reconstructive Surgery)

Outside Options (To access, buy a collar from [113] Training Items and under Special Commands, select [141] Outdoors Play)

  • Adept (Awaken)
  • Devil Shifter (Spirit Medium Experiment)
  • Pull Out Shadow (Persona User, can only be done by Persona Users/Persona User Assistants. They MUST have Persona Potential)
  • Inject Atma Virus (Avatar Tuner and for DDS characters)

I unlocked Tartarus, but I can't go there?[edit]

Just like Persona 3, Tartarus can only be entered at night-time. If you want to recruit the Persona 3 party members, either attack them when meeting them or talk to build up trust and they'll join willingly. There's a limit to how many P3 characters can be recruited per run, as well as Mitsuru and Fuuka being mutually exclusive per run.

Why is my Alignment changing to Law or Chaos without using the accessories after battle?[edit]

It's likely you have a demon in your COMP and/or party that's the same as the enemy you're fighting. You'll know when the enemy's name turns pink. If you attack and kill the pink-named demon, you gain Chaos Alignment points. Talking to them raises Law Alignment points.

How do I change companion alignments? The equipment items aren't working for them.[edit]

To change companion alignments, you can sexually train them or find rare items such as a Law Stone or Chaos Stone. Training them is a slow process, but it can be sped up by buying a Living Souls Ring Accessory from Macca Exchange and equipping it to the main character. Another method is buying the Alignment's respective church (Gaia for Chaos, Messian for Law) and having the character Pray/Whore there.

My main character keeps dying every time from instakill spells. It's so annoying. What can I do?[edit]

You can find and equip Tetrajammer Armor, which negates instant death.

What is CP Correction?[edit]

Basically the higher it is, the more MAG the demon consumes per step.

How to unlock new dungeons?[edit]

Most content can be discovered with [104] - Requests and [103] - Event . Also dont forget to [555] - Pay Target money which being displayed in action select menu.

I'm lost in Shinjuku! What do I do?[edit]

This link, Shinjuku, should explain the necessities towards completing the essential story parts of the dungeon.

Refer to this page if you are lost.

Is there a way to get [Affection] without sexual training?[edit]

Go to [400] Options and [992] Explore . In [37] Untrained Fall State you can choose to have it for only noncombatant humans or have it enabled for all characters. If you don't want same-sex characters to have [Affection], make sure to change [38] Trust Fall Setting . Afterwards, it's a matter of gaining enough loyalty from combat until at the end of the day, you're notified about the change in status. The loyalty number required depends on whether the main character and person you want affection from share the same alignment, the number of loyalty rising based on how different your alignment is. [Love] can ONLY be required by sexually training a character and meeting the requirements.

The best way to farm loyalty is from Isoras in the Great Ginza Underpass.

- Make sure everyone shares at least one part alignment

- Make sure you have at least 3 characters with Elec Machetes (Synthesize them in Item Synthesis 1 using 2 Attack Knives and 5 Riot Bombs)

- Give everyone Silky Fur for ice immunity (Iron Pumpkins otherwise, plus Antidote Rings for poison immunity and Rogue Noires for havoc resistance)

- Put the Machete wielders in the front row

- Go to the Great Ginza Underpass (unlock it by winning the "D Rank Match VS Saviour" fight in the Colosseum. To unlock THAT, get 150 Arena Fame)

- Go through the place and you'll reach a place where there's water

- Get into fights with Isoras and spam attack auto

With the full 10 enemies, I ended up getting 530 loyalty points at the end of the battle.

To determine the loyalty needed, use the following formula:

  • The base loyalty needed is 10,000. This increases by 5000 for every difference in alignment. (Ex. the base loyalty needed for a N/N character to trust an N/N master is 10,000, for a N/N character and a N/C master it's 15,000, and for a L/L character and a D/C master it's 40,000.
  • The needed value for [Trust]/ is the base loyalty times 1.5, the needed value for [Bond] is the base loyalty times 4.
  • For [Affection] the amount of loyalty depends if master and the character have a different gender.
    • If they have different gender, only base loyalty is needed. If they have the same gender, base loyalty times 2 and [Mysterious Charm] are needed.
  • If the master has [Mysterious Charm], multiply the needed value by 0.8 (This doesn't apply to same sex affection).

So if both characters have the same alignment and the master has [Mysterious Charm], you need 12,000 loyalty to get [Trust] and 8,000 or 20,000 loyalty (depends on gender difference) to get [Affection].

I want to have sex, but it's too annoying to get the orbs up! I even lose some orbs after training. What do I do?[edit]

If you need a refresher course on sexual training, create a new save file with a male character with 0 Sexual Experience and choose the Experienced Pixie offered by Mayone. Change your Partner with [108] and set it to the Pixie you just received, and then select [100] Train . The general rule is that you want to get the person you're training to get slowly acclimated to pleasure , so don't start off too rough and just do light caressing, kissing, etc. Even blowjobs and handjobs might be too much for them on the first session. Don't push it too hard or you'll increase their stress, and eventually they'll become broken, meaning they'll be useless at sex AND combat. The only way to reduce stress is to not train, so just alternate between slaves or don't Train them for awhile.

Alternate Rotor and Nipple Rotor at first, or whatever your most effective B pleasure/C pleasure commands are. Make sure to alternate them though: performing the same action twice in a row halves all of the param gains except for the negative ones.

Grow a bit bolder in the second session, introduce nipple caps and whatnot. By then there should be a mark or two.

You want to get desire to like 2 or 3 and C sensitivity/B sensitivity to at least 3 so you can go for simultaneous orgasm and build Surrender & Submit orbs, and pleasure marks + submit marks depending on which Fall state you're going for

If you're going for affection once you get obedience to 3 you'll be able to do intercrural, boobjob and stuff with ServicePls Exp, and you can also dose them with aphrodisiacs which will get you crazy amounts of Pleasure Marks. For Dependency, alternate Kiss and Caress and you'll get it up in no time. For service, if their Servicing is below lvl1, put caps/onahole on and alternate blowjob and handjob, otherwise alternate footjob and blowjob. Remember that Register Train Menu lets you set up macros of a sort.

Also for Virgins and characters with Repressed?/High Pride? don't let either depression/hate level get to 3 until they reach a fall state because you'll lose more orbs than you can get

doesn't matter if all you can do in a single session is 1 caress don't let those get to 3

For lewd route I use aphrodisiacs, sex toys, and cock to just mindbreak them with pleasure. For submission route I slap the shit out of and/or whip them and then make them lick my feet (or force them to do anilingus if you want to be abuse something blatantly overpowered). I don't know if there's a dedicated fear route, pain seems a lot simpler to get going since most girls get pissed the moment you tie them up.

Or if you don't mind a little cruelty...

>Spank them until they want to murder you

>Whip them while dry anally raping them until their until they hit submission tier 3 and beg for forgiveness

>Stab and shock them until they hit pain tier 3

>Do outdoor play and let them get gangraped to unconsciousness

>Use the massive amounts of surrender orbs you gain to remove all their hate marks

>Finish the final steps to whichever fall state you prefer

Practice makes perfect, and eventually, your MC's technique and skills make will make it easier for a slave to submit faster.

Is there any route on a questline that's better than the alternative?[edit]

Not really, although there are some special exceptions. Unless you are only planning to play this game once, there is a high chance of you replaying and getting multiple endings to see what it all has to offer. eraMegaten is built around the idea that 95% of the demons and characters obtained, with enough investment and favoritism, can be used for gameplay. Some characters were even buffed compared to their original incarnations!

How do I make a lot of money quickly?[edit]


You can't make loadsamoney on NG+ just by bringing over your harem and putting them to work in your restaurant, because income from contracted slaves gets reduced to 1% of what it would normally be. However... this does not happen if they're working at a Public Toilet. And it's even better if you pimp your MC out. If you're female/a futa/a femboy and have femboy pregnancy turned on, you can get pregnant from your customers. Not only does getting pregnant increase all of your stats by 1, your kids will actually send you money once they grow up. It even works across NG+!

Make sure to take a Yellow Candy before working to increase your MC's fertility.

You can make even more money by combining this strategy with precious bodily fluids.

Pop the necessary pills to make your MC a lactating futa, start training a character, drink an Aphrodisiac, use the Self Milker (in that order), self equip double vibes+onahole, and then just Kiss->Do Nothing on repeat.

You should probably turn off MAG absorb/transfer so you don't lose all of your MAG, and you have to raise your partner's will so she doesn't die of boredom, but then you're off to the races. Soon, all those wedding rings for your waifus and husbandos will be yours!

I'm trying to get a slave to Lust/Whore. What's a good way to get Abnormal Experience?[edit]

  • Drink Urine
  • Living Onahole
  • Induce Lactation + Milk Geyser
  • Same Sex Virginity Loss in the cowgirl position, plus an extra one for filming the virginity loss (unfortunately thus doesn't seem to work if you restore the character's hymen and then take their virginity again)
  • Virginity Loss through vibrator
  • Anal expansion (just use the expanding balloon)
  • Outdoor masturbation, Enema, TS, and tentacle are also pretty easy ones

Dungeons, Requests, and Events[edit]

Dungeon List

Character Dialogue[edit]

See EraMegaten/Character Dialogue (Refers to training and combat lines)


You can find information about some work facilities below.


Dexell's mods have been merged into the main codebase.

To enable enemy portraits in battle, go to [990] General -> [11] Image Display Settings -> [6] In battle

To enable FORCEWAIT at the end of combat, go to [993] Combat -> [55] Right-clicking doesn't skip past the end of battle results screen

To enable the level cap, go to [993] Combat -> [54] Level Cap (0 to disable)

The "sort COMP software" mod is enabled by default.

Enemy Pics[edit]

  • Update for HTML_PRINT method of image calling (eng-develop 14 Jan, 2023)
  • Author: Dexell
  • File Modified: \ERB\RPG\セットアップ関連\FORMATION.ERB
  • File Modified: \ERB\OPTION.ERB