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Genre: 4X, Turn based strategy
Developer(s): napo-sawada
Current Version: yes
Translation Status: Some
Repository link
Lamoli mod (newest and actively developing)
Original Japanese Github Repository.
Bug reporter.

Era gaming... in SPAAAAACE. 4x means eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, seX.

Sci-fi spaceship adventure simulator with date/lewd character interactions from EraTohoK.

Current game have a features like exploration, mining, quests, space/ground army fights, space tuna fishing and starbase building

Space sector[edit]

The whole map is 10 x 10 clusters which which have their own 15 x 15 map. In some clusters station is spawn is on center of the map. You can move between sectors with tiles in edges of the map ! is a space anomaly which requires research vessel. # is a mineable area. are the ships or fleet. Red ones are hostile, dont "step" on them if you are not preapared for fight.

Space combat[edit]

Space combat rules is simple:

  • At first you pick your command character from those who are attached to ships in current fleet.
  • Then two fleets are spawned from two sides in the distance 2 from two sides.
  • After that ships with weapons are coming closer to each other and attack enemy ship is it's in their weapon range.
  • One ship can only attack one enemy regardless from amount of weapon slots.
  • Each weapon slot attacks X amount of times which depends on weapon stat.
  • In each attack there is (Weapon hit - enemy dodge)% chance to hit enemy
  • At first attacks applied on shield points and then on HP
  • If ship HP is going to 0 - ship will be disabled
  • First fleet which lost all ships with weapons will be defeated.
  • If player is defeated - all of ships will be in Wreck status and needs to be repaired. Same thing will be happen with ships which are disabled in combat.


Quests are available in station menu [4] - Quest . Some of them are repeatable and will appear at same station again after awhile

Most safe quests are

  • Any of titorial quests
  • Solar Trash cleanup

Your station[edit]

After building your station you will unlock main feature of this game. But first you need to build a modules

List of the modules:

  • Containers ($100,000) : Stores up to 30,000 units of cargo.
  • Dock ($100,000) : A dock where ships can be anchored. (Effects don't stack)
  • Factory ($1,000,000) : Enables material processing. (Effects don't stack)
  • Shipyard ($2,000,000) : Enables ship building. (Effects don't stack)
  • AV Studio ($300,000) : Drastically increase effectiveness of AV shoots. (Effects don't stack)
  • Tech Research Inst ($1,000,000) : Enables technical research. (Effects don't stack)
  • CQC Training Center ($500,000) : Increases effectiveness of CQC training. (Effects don't stack)
  • Space Force Base ($5,000,000) : Increases Space Force capacity. (Effects don't stack)
  • Resource Surveyor ($1,000,000) : Scan for previously undiscovered resources. (Unlocked after research)
  • Shop ($1,000,000) : Enables item selling.


Containers will help you with crafting routine. You can upload cargo from your ship into station containers in [8] Station Slots menu. Worker boats with Mine task are automatically will upload their mined ore into those containers


When you build Research module you can unlock even stronger space ship types and features.

full list of researches

Ships Building[edit]

In your station you can build ships instead bying them, this is costs resources instead money. Otherwise you can build more advanced ships after unlocking them with research. Refit Ships menu is working same. If you refit your ships in other stations - resources for refit are taken from enemy station instead and it's will cost money.

List of Craftable ships

Materials Processing[edit]

Processing is available on other's stations but have a fee to pay for it. You can process your raw goods for free after building factory

Processing list
Name Raw goods requirement per unit Cost per unit
Armanent Alloy Red Ore Х5 50$
Armor Alloy Blue Ore Х5 50$
Heavy Arms Alloy Red ore X10
Noble Metal Ore Х5
Heavy Armor Alloy Blue ore X10
Noble Metal Ore Х5
Shield Generator Noble Metal Ore X2
Eus Gas X10
Multi-Shield Generator Noble Metal Ore X5
Eus Gas X20
Xesta Gas X5
Weapons Control Unit Noble Metal Ore X2
Bikini Gas X5
Jel Oil X5
Alloying Agent Xesta Gas X5
Czerny Oil X5
Heat Resistant Alloy Blu Ore X5
Grid Oil X5
Jet Gas Bikini Gas X10 60$
Superconducting Circuit Noble Metal Ore X2
Jel Oil X5
Tylor Sensor Noble Metal Ore X2
Xesta Gas X5
Gel Oil X5

As in practice most demand resource is Noble metal Ore. Also Blue Ore, Red Ore and Gel Oil in demand too.

There is a lot of another components which cannot be crafted here. You can buy them from Other stations


Actually works as unlimited container but unfortunately you cannot craft things from it.


Requires a tremedous 3500 turns a new spot of desired resource will be spawn in random empty location at same sector. Fortunely you can install multiple of Resource Surveyors to find more deposits at once.

Space Forse base[edit]

Amount of Combat space vessels are limited to your cap.

This cap can be improved by 10 once after you build Space force base.

You can improve your fleet cap 7 times with donating money in command center.

  • 10,000,000$ + 10 Fleet cap
  • 100,000,000$ + 10 Fleet cap
  • 500,000,000$ + 12 Fleet cap
  • 1,200,000,000$ + 16 Fleet cap
  • 3,300,000,000$ + 16 Fleet cap
  • 6,600,000,000$ + 16 Fleet cap
  • 10,000,000,000$ + 32 Fleet cap

Ships can use less space force capacity after final research of ship type improvement.

Workboats, research vessels and transporters are not using this cap.

Frequently Asked Questions[edit]

Where i can get money

First money income you can get from setting a job in [labor] section in stations. More officers being available for jobs when they are got good relations with you. Also you can do quests, but they are not profitable as passive income from jobs. Also you can mine resources from # spots. Another ways of income are available after building your station.

How can i make my girls to love me and [labor] on me faster?

There is a lot of strategies but there is a pretty simple one

  • Always use your first turn in dating on talk
  • (Optional)Serve them alcohol drink
  • (Optional)Use a pocket watch (unlockable in items research. costs 5000)
  • At first aim to talk or study actions
  • (Optional) Change lovation to town and take a dinner (costs 1000 dollars and 2 turns)
  • Change location to flower garden
  • Use Play with hair. if it's give you (Annoyed) points - continue to use talking for awhile.
  • Use Quick kiss. Then swap on French kiss [continuous] if it's available.
  • Add all continuous actions as you can: French kiss, Expose your scrotch, Breast caress, Clit Caress, Fingering, then Swap Giving/Recieving and use Expose Scrotch, Handjob, breast caress. After setup [continuous] actions use remain turns in Play with hair
  • If you already have a sex with partner but not got a love - Use Hot springs location instead flower garden

When requirements of actions are not met - there is nothing happens so check your actions freely. If your partner changed mood to bad one or action gives (Annoyed) gems - Stop continuous actions and just [talk] until mood going normal. Serving alcohol will help to avoid this

How to unlock [Visit quarters]?

You need to setup your rooms first and then put girls as a crew at same ship as you in Mission/personel menu.
Before building your station all ships which can be bought can fit only one person, except Valkirye class which can fit 5 crews

I am stuck in space, how to get back to fug a girls?

You need to go into nearest station  then press F and then pick [12] Socialise screen.

My feet being defeated. I got my HP back but died from first enemy fire immediately.

Congratulations, your ship got Wreck status. Go to nearest station and repair it. Repairs are not cheap.

I want to mine but i cant. How to mine?

This thing are more complicated. You need at least two ships: any class transporter and universal workboat. [z] Mission/personnel. Select Mine to workboat. then follow workboat for transporter.

How to build my own spaceport?

You need a universal workboat ,cargo ship and at least 1 Armor Alloy to start production. Then you need to buy and bring requiring resources from any existing space station.

I am tried to fight with ships but failed instantly. I have only starting ship. What is wrong?

At start in default scenario you are only got a transport ship which doesnt have any weapons. Buy any combat ship

Summary cost of space station:

  • 1000 Armor Alloy
  • 300 Heavy Armor Alloy
  • 600 Shield Generator
  • 600 Alloying Agent

Lamoli mod[edit]

Lamoli mod is a different branch of the game, which actually actively developed. Mod contains more features which related to quarters.


Cheat menu is availabe if you click on stars in Options menu

For add Labor slots you can edit file SHOP_LIFE42_労働.ERH with notepad. File is located in ERB\SHOP\SHOP_LIFE folder. Change number in #DIM CONST MAX_WORKER_NUM variable. It's will make additional income and character's stat growth.