Talk:Common Issues
Regarding ">How do I run on linux?" - for Pedy fork of TW or anything that uses EE Emuera/libwebp_x64: "WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32_era winetricks corefonts takao dotnet20 dotnet45 fakejapanese " should be replaced with "WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32_era winetricks corefonts takao dotnet20 dotnet45 fakejapanese" as those versions use 64bit libraries and running it on win32 Wine will result in crash.
Alternately, you can copy libwebp_x86.dll (eraTohoK and the main English fork of TW still have it), rename it "libwebp.dll", and copy it into the Tw folder, and it'll work in 32-bit mode.
Also, anything using streaming audio (eraBEMANI, etc.) needs Windows Media Player installed, so add "wmp11" to your winetricks command.
You should also install d3dcompiler_43 or else you'll end up with a missing renderer.
Starting with EmuEra v38 you might also need to install dotnet7 and dotnetdesktop7 with winetricks.
Additionally at the time of writing EmuEra v38 might crash when run on Wine 8.12. Workaround for that is running it on Proton 8.0